
Thorough Fire Risk Assessor London


Reduce the likelihood of a workplace fire with the help of our fire risk assessor in London

Are you concerned that your current health and safety measures are not up to standard? Do you want to reduce the chance of a fire happening in your workplace? Maybe you aren’t sure what standards you must meet?

The law states that any business that employs five or more staff must have an up to date fire risk assessment

Also know as the Fire Safety Order, it covers practically all fire safety related legislations and is required if:

  • You have responsibly for a part of a dwelling where that part is solely used for business purposes
  • You have responsibly for business premises
  • You are an employer or self-employed with business premises
  • You are a charity or voluntary organisation
  • You are a contractor with a degree of control over any premises

At Ramsay Safety Solutions Ltd we can assist all types of properties and business with a fire risk assessment. With our help we can produce a report that states all the corrective measures required in order to meet the standards. We will also be able to offer our on-going support, and we can provide fire training that complies with the Fire Reform Order 2005.

To speak to us today, get in touch via our contact form.

Check out our previous article here.