This Permit to Work training course will help you to administer a formal, documented way of making sure that high hazardous activities are controlled so that risks are managed, and that suitable controls are implemented prior to the commencement of the task. Employers have a legal duty of care to control the work activity and implement a safe system of work reducing any potential accident or incident. A suitable Permit to Work system will encourage effective communication between all parties involved.
Delegates will learn on how to manage the risks when administering a formal Permit to Work System and implement effective control measures. The course details the different types of permits and the correct selection and use.
The course has been designed for anyone that will be the permit issuer and those who have responsibilities to either supervise or completion of the task.
Delegates will learn the basic principles of Risk Assessment applied to a Permit To Work System and the importance of having a specific safe system of work for the task to reduce the risk of serious injury or death.